"Advanced Capabilities"

Remote Data Link System to Marine Activities

Sistema de Enlace de Datos Remotos para el Sistema del Transporte Marítimo


Remote MARINE Data Link System [RDS]
Remote Data Link System to Marine Markets


Remote System for ultra-secure and real-time Marine Data Link, based on a Quantum Cyber Secure Link, which ensures the encryption and transmission of marine data and secure storage in the "Marine Cloud Platform", for subsequent decryption and visualization via web of the different marine data applications, generated remotely by each of the components that make up the global Maritime Transport System (MTS), such as Services and Solutions related to the management of Digital Marine Data applicable to Safety, Intelligence, Data Analysis, Monitoring, Control & Marine Surveillance.-

MARINE - "Cyber Secure Link"

Quantum Marine - Cyber Secure Link, has been developed by the Qubit Aerospace LLC, based on recent developments of quantum cybersecurity systems applied to the naval market, which includes disruptive technology systems and devices such as: QBB "Quantum Black Box", "Cryto Quantic" Enhanced Algorithms, Quantum Cryptography; Keyless Dynamic Coding Protocol [QKL-DC], "QubeSAT" Space Quantum Key Delivery Satellite Services, Quantum Communications. The objective of the Quantum Cyber Secure Data Link System is protect the Marine Transportation System (MTS); the Marine Safety Investigation; GMDSS; the Maritime Critical Infrastructure; to guarantee an ultra-secure links between the entire international maritime system, at any time, and from anywhere on the planet. Services & Solutions: Maritime Cyber Security Services. Hacker-Proof Quantum Multi-Domain Data Link & Naval Weapon Systems; Quantum C-5 ISTAR; Quantum IOT & Quantum Ultra Secure Mobiles Phones.-

QBB - "Quantum Black Box" - MARINE CYBER SECURITY Solutions

QBB "Quantum Black Box", provides an ultra-secure link through exclusive software ("Cryto Quantic") with advanced Quantum Cryptography algorithms, to ensure the integrity of the data generated, transmitted and hosted in the cloud; as well as its subsequent safe reception, thanks to the maintenance of a constant quantum entanglement with another twin QBB, installed both in the facilities of a maritime authority or shipping company located anywhere in the world; and that allows the decryption of the data, and subsequent reading of all the technical and operational parameters generated by the ships in navigation, accidents, incidents, as well as any other component of the maritime transport system (SMSSM, AIS, Satellites, ports, etc.) that wishes to maintain an ultra-secure data link, for the monitoring, control or surveillance of the global maritime system.



Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) has been developed by the maritime nations in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and is the result of their adoption of amendments made in 1988 to the 1974 International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Based on recent developments in maritime communications, such as satellites and digital technology, GMDSS is designed to ensure maximum availability of safety-related communication for all passenger ships as well as for cargo vessels of 300 GT and upwards engaged in international voyages. The goal of GMDSS is to virtually guarantee that complying vessels will be able to communicate with an onshore station at any time, from any location, in case of distress or to exchange safety-related information.
Remote DATA LABs .:. Marine Safety Investigation

C4-MSI Marine Safety Investigation

C4-MSI: Command, Control, Communications, Computer & Cyber [C4] - Marine Safety Investigation [MSI] .:. Remote Data Link System [RDS].-

Software by Marine Accident Investigators

Software Applications by Marine Accident Investigators: Software Development, Simulation Models, Interactive virtual scenarios, etc.-
  • # MAR-DAS: (Marine Accident - Remote Data ANALYSIS System);

  • # MAR-DCS (Marine Accident - Remote Data CAPTURE System);

  • # VR-OQA (Voyage - Remote Operations QUALITY Assurance);

  • # VR-DCS (Voyage - Remote Data CAPTURE System)

Data Intelligence & Data Analytics

Data Science & Services: Analysis and Playback Facilities; Incident Replay and Analysis; Routine/Long Term Monitoring Remote Navigation Audits.
  • Analysis and Playback Facilities

  • Incident Replay and Analysis

  • Routine/Long Term Monitoring

  • Remote Navigation Audits

Marine Safety Investigation | Remote Data Link

"MSI-RDS" (Marine Safety Investigation - Remote Data Link System): Geospatial Intelligence Capacity of Marine Casualty or Marine Incident Data through an "Marine" Cyber Secure Data Link System generated remotely by each of the means that make up the Maritime Transport System (SMT) and that are encrypted, transmitted and stored in the "Marine Cloud Platform", to be accessed from the "Marine Safety Investigation Data Laboratories" of the Transport Safety Boards, for decryption and reading of the Marine Data received by the system, for a Safety Investigation into a Marine Casualty or Marine Incident.-
.:. Marine Safety Investigation .|. Remote Data Link System .:.

Global Applied Scientific & Technology Consortium

Advanced Solution:
"[MSI-RDS] Marine Safety Investigation - Remote Data Link System"

TECNO CONOSUR GROUP: Global Applied Scientific & Technology Consortium
  • TecnoGLOBAL International LLC: Strategy, Project Planning & Global Business Development

  • SIMAC Argentina SA: Automation Systems, Monitoring, Control and Integration Solutions.- ("RBB" Remote Black Box)

  • TecnoNAVAL: Naval Technology & Maritime Solutions. Maritime Digitalization - Casualty Investigations

  • AERO DATA LINK - GeoSpatial Data Link; Telecommunications, Aerospace Technology - C4-DATALINK System & Solutions

  • IMPLEXUM LLC: Quantum Cryptography & Quantum CiberSecurity.- ("Cyber Secure Data.Link") - "QBB" Quantum Black Box & "Cryto Quantic" Software)

  • Qubit Aerospace LLC: Space Quantum Communication & Quantum Key Delivery Satellite.- (QubeSat.Link - Quantum Satellite Link)

  • EMERSAR - Emergencies; Crisis & Risk Management; Preparedness & Response, Search & Rescue; Human Factors; Resilience, etc.

  • DISTEKNO: Disruptive Technology & Advanced Knowledge - "TecnoGRID" (Geospatial, Robotics, Intelligence & Data Science Technology Division)

Marine Safety InvestigationDATA Analysis & DATA Intelligence

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires that passenger ships and non-passenger ships over 3.000 gross tonnes on international voyages must now be fitted with either Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs), or Simplified Voyage Data Recorders (S-VDRs). In addition, all modern ships are also fitted with a wide range of other systems (ECDIS, GPS, machinery monitoring systems etc) which are automatically acquiring and storing huge amounts of digital data on a continuous basis, and may also be complemented by similar shore-based systems (such as VTS, AIS etc).

This digital data contains a wealth of information about the ships’ positions, operations, alarm states, communications, weather conditions etc.. Because of the quantity of data, different data formats and time references etc, extracting value from all this digital data can often be extremely challenging. This is where REMOTE DATA LINK expertise can help – we have developed a range of systems and services to ensure that you can get the maximum value from your data, and we have considerable experience with a wide range of customers, including :

  • Shipping companies

  • P&I clubs and insurers - (Protection & Indemnity insurance)

  • Flag State Authorities

  • National Accident Investigators

  • Enforcement Authorities

  • Marine Consultancies

Typically applications involve;

Establishing and visualising what actually happened during an incident or accident – so that lessons can be learnt and appropriate actions taken to avoid repeat incident/accidents occurring.

Automated routine analysis of data to detect events which are known precursors to accident or incidents – so that actions can be taken to increase operational safety.

Automated routine analysis of data to detect performance-related trends in the data – so that actions can be taken to make operation more economic and so save money.

Based upon this experience, have developed a range of standard systems and services for marine data analysis.

El Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar (SOLAS) exige que los buques de pasaje y los buques que no sean de pasaje de más de 3.000 toneladas brutas en viajes internacionales ahora deben estar equipados con registradores de datos de viaje (VDR) o registradores de datos de viaje simplificados (S-VDR). Además, todos los barcos modernos también están equipados con una amplia gama de otros sistemas (ECDIS, GPS, sistemas de monitoreo de maquinaria, etc.) que adquieren y almacenan automáticamente grandes cantidades de datos digitales de forma continua, y también pueden complementarse con sistemas de tierra similares. -basados ​​en sistemas (como VTS, AIS, etc.).

Estos datos digitales contienen una gran cantidad de información sobre las posiciones de los barcos, operaciones, estados de alarma, comunicaciones, condiciones climáticas, etc. Debido a la cantidad de datos, diferentes formatos de datos y referencias de tiempo, etc., extraer valor de todos estos datos digitales a menudo puede ser extremadamente desafiante. Aquí es donde la experiencia de "REMOTE Data Link" puede ayudar: hemos desarrollado una gama de sistemas y servicios para garantizar que pueda obtener el máximo valor de sus datos, y tenemos una experiencia considerable con una amplia gama de clientes, que incluyen:

  • Compañías NAVIERAS

  • Clubes P&I y aseguradoras - (Seguro de protección e indemnización)

  • Autoridades del Estado de BANDERA

  • Investigadores gubernamentales de accidentes

  • Fuerzas de Seguridad - Prefectura Naval

  • Consultorías Maritimas

Por lo general, las aplicaciones involucran;

Establecer y visualizar lo que sucedió realmente durante un incidente o accidente, de modo que se puedan aprender lecciones y se tomen las medidas adecuadas para evitar que se repitan incidentes / accidentes.

Análisis de rutina automatizado de datos para detectar eventos que son precursores conocidos de accidentes o incidentes, de modo que se puedan tomar acciones para aumentar la seguridad operativa.

Análisis de rutina automatizado de datos para detectar tendencias relacionadas con el rendimiento en los datos, de modo que se puedan tomar acciones para hacer la operación más económica y así ahorrar dinero.

Sobre la base de esta experiencia, hemos desarrollado una gama de sistemas y servicios estándar para el análisis de datos marinos.

Disruptive Technology Solutions

Soluciones Tecnologicas Emergentes y Disruptivas

Marine Safety Investigation

  • MAR-DAS: (Marine Accident - Remote Data ANALYSIS System)

  • MAR-DCS: (Marine Accident - Remote Data CAPTURE System)

  • VR-OQA: (Voyage - Remote Operations QUALITY Assurance)

  • VR-DCS: (Voyage - Remote Data CAPTURE System)

Marine DATA Analytics

  • Analysis and Playback Facilities

  • Incident Replay and Analysis

  • Routine/Long Term Monitoring

  • Remote Navigation Audits

Company Capabilities

  • Data Recorders – Analysis Systems and Services

  • Diagnostic strategies (including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and model-based analysis and simulation).

  • Database design (for efficiency of operation from space, value of content, accuracy/integrity, and speed considerations).

  • Web based strategies (for remote acquisition, remote monitoring and distributed processing applications).

  • Signal processing (both analogue signal conditioning and digital signal processing).

  • Vibration, oil, usage data and image-based measurement and analysis.

We have demonstrated how to target safety, operational and cost benefits by using HUMS and “black box” recorder data, and know how to establish the real costs involved. We know how to make these systems work, and we can advise on the results that will be achieved.

Capacidades de la empresa

  • Registradores de datos: sistemas y servicios de análisis

  • Estrategias de diagnóstico (incluida la inteligencia artificial (IA) y el análisis y la simulación basados en modelos).

  • Diseño de base de datos (para la eficiencia de la operación desde el espacio, el valor del contenido, la precisión / integridad y consideraciones de velocidad).

  • Estrategias basadas en web (para adquisición remota, monitoreo remoto y aplicaciones de procesamiento distribuido).

  • Procesamiento de señales (tanto acondicionamiento de señales analógicas como procesamiento de señales digitales).

  • Vibración, aceite, datos de uso y medición y análisis basados en imágenes.

Hemos demostrado cómo orientar los beneficios de seguridad, operativos y de costos mediante el uso de HUMS y los datos del registrador de “caja negra”, y sabemos cómo establecer los costos reales involucrados. Sabemos cómo hacer que estos sistemas funcionen y podemos asesorar sobre los resultados que se obtendrán.



Siniestros e incidentes marítimos

Siniestro Marítimo

De acuerdo con la RESOLUCIÓN A.849(20) adoptada el 27 de noviembre de 1997 - CÓDIGO PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN DE SINIESTROS E INCIDENTES MARÍTIMOS, un siniestro marítimo es un evento que ha resultado en cualquiera de los siguientes:

1. la muerte o lesiones graves de una persona causadas por las operaciones de un buque o en relación con ellas; o

2. la pérdida de una persona de un buque causada por, o en conexión con, las operaciones de un buque; o

3. la pérdida, pérdida presunta o abandono de una nave; o

4. daños materiales a un buque; o

5. la varada o inutilización de un buque, o la participación de un buque en un abordaje; o

6. daños materiales causados ​​por, o en conexión con, la operación de un buque; o

7. daños al medio ambiente causados ​​por daños a un barco o barcos causados ​​por, o en conexión con, las operaciones de un barco o barcos.


En virtud de la misma Resolución, los siniestros marítimos se subdividen en las siguientes categorías (RESOLUCIÓN A.849(20):

4.2 Siniestro muy grave: un siniestro de un buque que implique la pérdida total del buque, la pérdida de vidas o una contaminación grave.

4.3 Siniestro grave: un siniestro que no se considera un siniestro muy grave y que implica:

.1 un incendio, una explosión, una varada, un contacto, daños causados ​​por fuertes inclemencias del tiempo, daños por hielo, grietas en el casco o presuntos defectos en el casco, etc., que tengan como consecuencia:

.2 daños estructurales que hagan que el buque no esté en condiciones de navegar, como penetración del casco bajo el agua, inmovilización de los motores principales, daños importantes en el alojamiento, etc.; o

.3 contaminación (independientemente de la cantidad); y/o

.4 una avería que requiera remolque o asistencia en tierra.

Incidentes Marinos

4.4 Suceso marítimo: suceso o suceso causado por las operaciones de un buque, o en relación con las mismas, que pone en peligro al buque o a cualquier persona, o como consecuencia del cual pueden producirse daños graves al buque, a la estructura o al medio ambiente. causado

Otras definiciones de la misma resolución incluyen:

4.5 Causas significa acciones, omisiones, eventos, condiciones existentes o preexistentes o una combinación de las mismas, que llevaron al siniestro o incidente.

4.6 Investigación de seguridad de siniestros o incidentes marítimos: proceso realizado en público o a puerta cerrada con el fin de prevenir siniestros, que incluye la recopilación y el análisis de información, la extracción de conclusiones, incluida la identificación de las circunstancias y la determinación de las causas y factores contribuyentes y, en su caso, la formulación de recomendaciones de seguridad.

4.7 Investigador de siniestros marítimos: persona o personas cualificadas y designadas para investigar un siniestro o incidente, de conformidad con los procedimientos establecidos en la legislación nacional para promover la seguridad marítima y la protección del medio marino.

4.8 Lesión grave significa una lesión sufrida por una persona en un siniestro que resulta en una incapacitación de más de 72 horas a partir de los siete días posteriores a la fecha de la lesión.

5 Realización de investigaciones de siniestros marítimos

5.1 Cuando se vaya a realizar una investigación, se debe tener en cuenta lo siguiente:

1. Las investigaciones exhaustivas e imparciales de siniestros marítimos son la forma más eficaz de

2. establecer las circunstancias y causas de un siniestro.

3. Sólo a través de la cooperación entre Estados con un interés sustancial se puede hacer un análisis completo de un siniestro marítimo.

4. Las investigaciones de siniestros marítimos deben tener la misma prioridad que las investigaciones penales o de otro tipo realizadas para determinar la responsabilidad o la culpa.

5. Los investigadores de siniestros marítimos deberían tener fácil acceso a la información de seguridad relevante, incluidos los registros de inspección en poder del Estado del pabellón, los propietarios y las sociedades de clasificación.

6. El acceso a la información no debe ser impedido por investigaciones contrapuestas.

7. Debería hacerse un uso eficaz de todos los datos registrados, incluidos los registradores de datos de la travesía (VDR), si los hay, en la investigación de un siniestro o incidente marítimo dondequiera que se produzca.

8. El Estado que realice la investigación deberá disponer la lectura del VDR.

9. Los investigadores de siniestros marítimos deben tener acceso a inspectores gubernamentales, oficiales de guardacostas, operadores de servicios de tráfico de embarcaciones, prácticos u otro personal marítimo de los respectivos Estados.

10. La investigación debería tener en cuenta cualquier recomendación o instrumento publicado por la OMI o la OIT, en particular los relacionados con el factor humano, y cualquier otra recomendación o instrumento adoptado por otras organizaciones internacionales pertinentes.

11. Los informes de investigaciones son más efectivos cuando se divulgan a la industria naviera y al público.


Marine Casualties and Incidents

Marine Casualty

In accordance with the RESOLUTION A.849(20) adopted on 27 November 1997 - CODE FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF MARINE CASUALTIES AND INCIDENTS a marine casualty is an event that has resulted in any of the following:

1. the death of, or serious injury to, a person that is caused by, or in connection with, the operations of a ship; or

2. the loss of a person from a ship that is caused by, or in connection with, the operations of a ship; or

3. the loss, presumed loss or abandonment of a ship; or

4. material damage to a ship; or

5. the stranding or disabling of a ship, or the involvement of a ship in a collision; or

6. material damage being caused by, or in connection with, the operation of a ship; or

7. damage to the environment brought about by the damage of a ship or ships being caused by, or in connection with, the operations of a ship or ships.


Under the same Resolution, marine casualties are further sub-divided into the following categories (RESOLUTION A.849(20):

4.2 Very serious casualty means a casualty to a ship which involves the total loss of the ship, loss of life or severe pollution.

4.3 Serious casualty means a casualty which does not qualify as a very serious casualty and which involves:

.1 a fire, explosion, grounding, contact, heavy weather damage, ice damage, hull cracking or suspected hull defect, etc., resulting in;

.2 structural damage rendering the ship unseaworthy, such as penetration of the hull underwater, immobilization of main engines, extensive accommodation damage etc.; or

.3 pollution (regardless of quantity); and/or

.4 a breakdown necessitating towage or shore assistance.

Marine Incidents

4.4 Marine incident means an occurrence or event being caused by, or in connection with, the operations of a ship by which the ship or any person is imperilled, or as a result of which serious damage to the ship or structure or the environment might be caused.

Other definitions from the same resolution include:

4.5 Causes means actions, omissions, events, existing or pre-existing conditions or a combination thereof, which led to the casualty or incident.

4.6 Marine casualty or incident safety investigation means a process held either in public or in camera conducted for the purpose of casualty prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the identification of the circumstances and the determination of causes and contributing factors and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations.

4.7 Marine casualty investigator means a person or persons qualified and appointed to investigate a casualty, or incident, under procedures laid down in national legislation for the furtherance of marine safety and protection of the marine environment.

4.8 Serious injury means an injury which is sustained by a person in a casualty resulting in incapacitation for more than 72 hours commencing within seven days from the date of injury.

5 Conduct of marine casualty investigations

5.1 Where an investigation is to be conducted, the following should be taken into consideration:

1. Thorough and unbiased marine casualty investigations are the most effective way of

2. establishing the circumstances and causes of a casualty.

3. Only through co-operation between States with a substantial interest can a full analysis be made of a marine casualty.

4. Marine casualty investigations should be given the same priority as criminal or other investigations held to determine responsibility or blame.

5. Marine casualty investigators should have ready access to relevant safety information including survey records held by the flag State, the owners, and classification societies.

6. Access to information should not be barred by reason of competing investigations.

7. Effective use should be made of all recorded data, including voyage data recorders (VDR), if fitted, in the investigation of a marine casualty or marine incident wherever it occurred.

8. The State conducting the investigation should arrange for the read out of the VDR.

9. Marine casualty investigators should be afforded access to government surveyors, coastguard officers, vessel traffic service operators, pilots or other marine personnel of the respective States.

10. The investigation should take into account any recommendations or instruments published by IMO or ILO, in particular those relating to the human factor,and any other recommendations or instruments adopted by other relevant international organizations.

11. Reports of investigations are most effective when released to the shipping industry and public